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Answering problem-solving questions on s.47 ABH


What makes a good concepts essay?: balancing conflicting interests

Life, death and the law

Andrew Mitchell considers a recent Supreme Court decision on assisted suicide in the context of some key concepts of law

Tony Nicklinson with his wife Jane

This article is relevant for AQA A2 Law 04 (law and morality, law and justice, balancing conflicting interests).

English law recognises the fundamental right to life that is enshrined in Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). However, there is no corresponding legal recognition of a ‘right to die’ (as confirmed by the House of Lords in R v DPP, ex parte Diane Pretty, 2001). Why is this the case? What are the difficult philosophical questions raised by decisions about life and death?

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Answering problem-solving questions on s.47 ABH


What makes a good concepts essay?: balancing conflicting interests

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