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Fault and liability in tort law



Criminal law theory

Does the law achieve its key principles?

Examining some of the important theoretical concepts relating to criminal law, and asking whether the law achieves its key objectives

What constitutes a crime must be clear so that not only can a defendant be convicted fairly, but individuals can monitor their own behaviour so they do not break the law

This article is relevant to the theory of criminal law in AQA Paper 1 (Q9), OCR Component 1, WJEC Unit 4 and Eduqas Component 3.

The topic of criminal law theory often does not receive the attention it deserves (inside and outside of the classroom) because of the amount of material that must be studied. However, the topic can be a real eye-opener into criminal law: an introduction, a curtain-raiser, something that allows you to think outside the box, rather than simply learning about what the law actually is.When criminal laws are made, the following principles must be followed:

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Fault and liability in tort law



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