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Lung disease


HIV and AIDS: could stem cell transplants provide a cure?

prospects: Prospects brings you information about some of the different and stimulating careers that can develop from an interest in the biological sciences

How to apply to vet school

Thinking of becoming a vet? Admissions director Joyce Wason explains what you need to do

With practice, students develop the skills needed to examine all sorts of patients
Joyce Wason

Only seven UK universities offer veterinary degree programmes, with an estimated 850 places available. Entry to veterinary medicine is therefore very competitive, and it pays to prepare well before submitting an application.

Your first decision is which of the seven UK vet schools you will apply to — you can only apply to four UK schools in one year and your application has to be made through UCAS ( The closing date for applications is mid-October. You should use the other space on your UCAS application to apply for an alternative course as a backup. You cannot be penalised for selecting an alternative course as each university can only see your application to them — it is a sensible thing to do. Most veterinary science degrees take 5 years; Cambridge is a 6-year course.

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Lung disease


HIV and AIDS: could stem cell transplants provide a cure?

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