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Radiotherapy: using high-energy X-rays to treat cancer


Treating disease with recombinant proteins

Cross cats


These photos show lions (Panthera leo) and tigers (Panthera tigris) and their hybrid offspring — ligers and tigons. Tigons are the result of mating a male tiger with a lioness, and ligers result from mating between a male lion with a tigress.

The liger is the largest of all the big cats at 3.0–3.5 metres long and weighing around 400kg. In comparison, a male lion can weigh up to 190kg and be up to 2m long. A Bengal tiger is larger, at up to 221kg and up to 3m long. Tigons are around the same size as their parent species.

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Radiotherapy: using high-energy X-rays to treat cancer


Treating disease with recombinant proteins

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