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Lipid digestion


Ancient DNA


Give wasps a chance

Wasps are much maligned and mostly misunderstood. They are generally seen as malicious and vengeful. Entomologist Richard Jones loves wasps. He answers the big question – what is the point of wasps, other than to deliver a painful sting?

Parasitic wasp larvae emerging from a live caterpillar

It is one of those vague English words, like ‘bug’ or ‘midge’. The term ‘wasp’ emerged long before any modern knowledge of either evolution or classification was developed.

Almost all the vast insect order Hymenoptera (over 150 000 species worldwide) could rightfully be called wasps. Many are – gall wasps, parasitic wasps, potter wasps, digger wasps, dagger wasps, mud-dauber wasps, sand wasps, mason wasps, rubytail wasps, fig wasps, paper wasps, spider wasps, sabre wasps (see Figure 1).

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Lipid digestion


Ancient DNA

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