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Food marketing

How are we being influenced?

Food marketing is all around us – on bus stops, TV and social media. This is most commonly for foods considered unhealthy, such as fast foods and sugar-laden drinks. Despite being aware of this marketing, most of us are unaware that it influences our behaviour. Psychology researcher Rebecca Evans reveals some uncomfortable truths

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Food marketing is any type of commercial communication message that aims to increase recall, liking and/or consumption of particular food products or brands. It often taps into our innate preferences for sweet and salty foods. Even as infants, we stick out our tongues to get sweet and salty foods and reject sour and bitter-tasting foods. These preferences help us avoid potentially toxic foods.

This was adaptive for our ancestors, who lived in an unpredictable food environment and needed energy-dense foods to survive. However, our modern-day food environment is very different. In the developed world, there is pervasive marketing of unhealthy food (see Box 1). Such food is typically cheap, palatable and easy to access – often at the click of a button. This environment can encourage high-energy intake and low physical activity, which may in turn lead to energy imbalance, and weight-gain in the long term. This reflects poor appetite regulation (see Box 2).

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