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Vitamin C

Face the truth


None appear whether we want them to or not. But it turns out that the answer to looking young may be a lot simpler than you think. of us can escape from ageing; wrinkles are going to

One of the reasons we age is due to the actions of free radicals — atoms or molecules with a single unpaired electron in their outer valence shell (see CHEMISTRY REVIEW, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 17–21). This electron makes the radical highly reactive with other molecules, so if radicals are formed in our bodies they can cause serious problems, including chain reactions that can lead to the breakdown of cell membranes. Research also shows that radicals may be partly responsible for debilitating conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Radicals are created when a covalent bond (containing two electrons) between two atoms is split homolytically (i.e. one electron goes to each atom). This can be caused by several factors, including ultraviolet (UV) light (which is why it is a good idea to wear a UV-blocking sun cream when out in the sunshine).

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Vitamin C

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