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A student’s view

development profile

Country E

Figure 1 Changes in the structure of economic activity in Country E (contributions of sectors to GDP)

Country E is classified by the World Bank as a lower middle-income country, with GNI per capita in 2010 of US$2,340, and as a medium human development country by the United Nations. The human development index (HDI) was 0.644 in 2011, and Country E was ranked 113 out of 187 countries on this measure. Country E has a population of around 84 million people, 56.5% of whom live in rural areas. Much of the country is made up of desert, and the population is concentrated around the main river that flows through the country.

Country E has gone through a period of political turmoil in recent years, after the president—who had been in post since 1981—stepped down in February 2011, following huge anti-government demonstrations. There was then a period of military rule before parliamentary and presidential elections in the first half of 2012.

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A student’s view

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