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Labour supply

More than just exports

International activities of companies

Gábor Békés discusses the different and complex ways in which firms engage in international activities. He presents evidence from a recent survey of European firms and argues that governments need to recognise the importance of international trade beyond simple exports

Hellen Sergeyeva/Fotolia

The UK imports many products, from Audi cars to Hollywood blockbusters, from other countries in Europe and elsewhere. At the same time, companies based in the UK, from Vauxhall to the BBC, sell their products to customers abroad.

As the Nobel prize-winning economist Paul Krugman argued in an interview with the BBC, international trade matters because it helps firms to specialise and produce in large quantities. At the same time, it expands everyone’s choice. If you walk down the biscuit aisle in a supermarket you will see products from Denmark, Britain and the USA. People enjoy variety. This of course applies to both exports and imports:

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