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Alan Kirman

development profile

Country U

Can you identify the country from the data provided?

Table 1 Key economic data for Country U

Country U is classified as a high-income country on the basis of its gross national income (GNI) per capita (measured by the World Bank Atlas method), and as a high human development country based on the human development index (HDI). The country has enjoyed robust economic growth since 2006, as well as substantial reduction in poverty during this period. Indeed, extreme poverty has now been practically eliminated.

Country U scores well on the corruption perceptions index, being ranked 21 of 175 countries, and is seen as a peaceful and democratic country. Its main exports are wool, rice, soybeans, beef, malt and dairy products. However, the country had a rather chequered history, with colonial dominance being disputed by two European nations in the late eighteenth century, by which time most indigenous people had been exterminated. Country U became an independent republic in 1828.

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Alan Kirman

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