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Appeasement in the 1930s

The social impact of the Second World War

SOURCE A In January 1941 Picture Post, which sold over 1.6 million copies a week, called for a ‘Plan for Britain’. This was an early set of ideas for what a postwar Britain should look like

1 Study Source A. What was the purpose of this photograph? Use details in the photograph and your own knowledge to explain your answer.

The Second World War was a period of great upheaval which, for many, left a lasting legacy. Bomb damage, evacuation, rationing and service in the armed forces gave opportunities for rich and poor alike to see what life was like for others. Women took on what had previously been seen as men’s roles and many children had their lives turned upside down by evacuation and the absence of fathers. However, the longer-term social impact of the war is not so clear and historians still dispute both the effects of the war on the class system and on women’s position in society.

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Appeasement in the 1930s

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