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Conrad Schumann 1942–98

October 1973: Fortieth anniversary

Oil crisis

Source A A garage forecourt in the USA during the oil crisis

In October 1973 the decision made by the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) together with Egypt, Syria and Tunisia to cut off their oil supplies to the USA and its allies sparked a major energy crisis. OAPEC wanted both to punish the USA and others for supplying Israel with weapons and aid during the recent Yom Kippur war and also to force Israel to withdraw from conquered territories in the Sinai desert and Golan Heights. The embargo lasted until March 1974 and forced the USA to pressurise Israel into making concessions. It also highlighted how vulnerable advanced economies were to energy supply problems.

■ Study Source A. What can you infer from it about the effects of the oil embargo on the USA?

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Conrad Schumann 1942–98

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