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The rise and fall of the SA


Commonwealth troops and GIs in the Second World War

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Relations between the USA and USSR

Students writing about the breakdown in relations between Russia and the USA often focus solely on the Soviet takeover of Eastern Europe 1945–48. Important though this period is it helps to consider the tensions apparent between the allies during the war. Examiners will not credit answers focusing on 1945–48 to questions that relate specifically to 1945.

Communists believed that a Communist revolution was inevitable in all capitalist societies and many early Bolsheviks were strongly committed to the principle of aiding revolution worldwide. Although Stalin was initially more concerned with the consolidation of the revolution in Russia and protection of its borders, hence his willingness to enter into the Nazi–Soviet pact, he used the opportunities offered to him by the campaign on the Eastern Front.

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The rise and fall of the SA


Commonwealth troops and GIs in the Second World War

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