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What role did the SS play in Nazi Germany?


Japanese expansion in the Far East

Why did interwar disarmament fail?

Rob Salem looks at the key interwar disarmament conferences and asks who was most to blame for their failure

Source A A tank being dismantled in 1920 under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles

The Covenant of the League of Nations was approved in April 1919. It stated that ‘the maintenance of peace requires the reduction of national armaments to the lowest point consistent with national safety’. Forty-two nations signed up to the league and even the most powerful nation never to join it, the USA, made keen efforts to encourage disarmament. However, within 15 years, the hopes and dreams of so many people across the globe lay in tatters as defence expenditure rocketed to meet the growing threat of another world war.

Disarmament of the defeated powers was enshrined in the various treaties that followed in the 2 years after the armistice:

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What role did the SS play in Nazi Germany?


Japanese expansion in the Far East

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