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9/11 and its aftermath


Was defeat in the Vietnam War a result of US failure?

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Depth study

Utility and reliability

Source D Women march in the snow down Regent Street, London, on 6 March 1971, protesting against sex discrimination and demanding equality in the workplace, pay and education (agency photograph sold to newspapers)

To be awarded the highest levels when comparing the utility and reliability of sources, you must analyse the sources and effectively compare their relative strengths and weaknesses. Comments on provenance must be specific, supported from the sources and linked explicitly to the question set. Simple statements and unsupported assertions regarding the utility of the sources or their reliability will receive very limited marks. Confusing utility for reliability will result in zero marks.

Study Sources A and B. Which of these sources is more useful to a historian studying the history of the British women’s liberation movement in the 1960s? (10 marks)

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9/11 and its aftermath


Was defeat in the Vietnam War a result of US failure?