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Charles I and Parliament


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Source A The Tudor garden at Kenilworth, first recorded at Queen Elizabeth’s visit in 1575

You need to demonstrate a clear understanding of the different functions of castles and how these changed over time as England became more centralised and peaceful. You should be able to recall specific physical evidence which the castle you are studying provides and you need to be able to link your knowledge to the broader themes of the changing function of castles. The best answers will demonstrate a clear understanding of the interrelation of different factors.

Like all castles Kenilworth’s function was primarily military. It was built in the 1120s by the de Clintons following Henry I’s doubts regarding the loyalty of the Earl of Warwick, whose power base was in the same area. The site was chosen with defence in mind as the castle was built on a hill above the point where two rivers joined. The rivers were used to create a defensive mere.

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Charles I and Parliament


Revision sites for new GCSEs

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