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Education in Elizabethan England


File on: Malcolm X

Anglo-German rivalry, 1890–1904

Sarah Wright considers some of the causes of Anglo-German rivalry between 1890 and 1904

Source A Count George Leo of Caprivi, Caprera, and Montecuccoli (1831–99), Chancellor of Germany
© Topfoto

AQA Conflict and tension, 1894–1918

While tension between Britain and Germany between 1905 and the outbreak of the First World War in 1914 exhibited itself in the form of a series of clear crises over Morocco and naval rivalry, the root of this tension goes back much further to at least 1890. However, the precise cause of this longer-term tension is much harder to define and appears to be much more centred on the approach Germany took to its foreign policy and public opinion in both countries.

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Education in Elizabethan England


File on: Malcolm X

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