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The Cuban missile crisis


Anniversary: 1974: The resignation of Richard Nixon

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Jane Seymour 1508–37

Mark Rathbone examines the life and influence of Jane Seymour

Source A Portrait of Jane Seymour by Hans Holbein the Younger
© Topfoto

Jane Seymour was born in Wiltshire in around 1508, the daughter of Sir John Seymour, a wealthy and well-connected member of the gentry. Little is known of her life before she arrived at the court of Henry VIII to be a maid-of-honour to the queen, Catherine of Aragon, in 1532 or possibly earlier.

The king’s court was a breeding ground for factions — rival groups which aimed to secure power for themselves, while undermining the position and influence of others. It was the support of a faction which enabled Anne Boleyn to replace Catherine of Aragon as queen in 1533, but faction-fighting did not end there. After this, two groups emerged:

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The Cuban missile crisis


Anniversary: 1974: The resignation of Richard Nixon

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