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The origins of the First World War


Britain’s National Government: from crisis management to permanence


Countdown to the First World War

A visual overview of the years, months, then days prior to the outbreak of the First World War

1871 German empire proclaimed as a unified state. Its emergence in the middle of Europe is destabilising; France loses two of its provinces to Germany. Russia mistrusts its expansion.

1871–90 German chancellor Otto von Bismarck initially pursues a policy of reassuring Russia and isolating France. After the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–78, he turns to a policy of protecting the Ottoman empire at the expense of Russia and its ally Bulgaria. This leads to the Dual Alliance with Austria-Hungary (1879) and Triple Alliance (May 1882) which includes Italy. The 1887 Reinsurance Treaty with Russia reduces Russo-German hostility.

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The origins of the First World War


Britain’s National Government: from crisis management to permanence

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