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The origins of the Arab-Israeli conflict in the 1940s: a history of ongoing turmoil


Was the renaissance a new age?: assessing the early modern period

online sources

The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

The ODNB is an online collection of 60,000 specially written biographies of men and women who’ve shaped all aspects of British history and culture, from the Roman occupation to the early twenty-first century

The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (or ODNB) is a subscription service published online by Oxford University Press. Full access is available free to nearly all UK library members: type your library card number into the home page ( to gain full access to the site from any location. There’s also free access to 250+ biography podcast episodes and monthly history features.

Biographies in the ODNB are written by specialist historians working in colleges and universities worldwide. These authors are overseen by a small team of academics based at Oxford University’s history faculty, led by the historian of modern Britain, David Cannadine.

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The origins of the Arab-Israeli conflict in the 1940s: a history of ongoing turmoil


Was the renaissance a new age?: assessing the early modern period

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