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What can I do with a degree in history

China’s Cultural Revolution

Take a detailed look at China’s ‘10 years of chaos’ and its legacy

Mao Zedong (1893–1976) One of the founding members of the CCP. Often called ‘Chairman Mao’ referring to his role as CCP party chairman after 1943. Led the CCP to victory in the civil war against Chiang Kaishek’s Nationalist Party (Guomindang).

Mao Zedong and his ‘Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution’ have gained international fame. In the People’s Republic of China today, the Cultural Revolution is officially described as the ‘10 years of chaos’. Officially beginning in 1966, the country descended into violent turmoil. Pushed to the brink of civil war, Mao’s last major mass campaign had profound social, cultural and economic consequences. These shaped China, its government and its citizens, for years after the chairman’s death in 1976.

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What can I do with a degree in history

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