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Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression


The foundation of the BBC


Trove Newspapers

This free, searchable digital collection is home to millions of historical Australasian newspapers, capturing over 200 years of Australian history

The archive allows you to chart the fortunes of Victoria’s gold rush towns

Trove is the home of the digital collections of the National Library of Australia ( It was launched in 2009 and includes handwritten manuscripts, audio and video recordings, published books and, most popularly, historical newspapers. Because Australia is such a large country, and most people live hundreds if not thousands of miles away from the National Library, this website was created to allow people to explore the continent’s rich history wherever they live, free of charge.

The newspapers were digitised from collections from all over country, with the National Library working with each of the state and territory libraries, as well as community groups and modern-day publishers, to provide access to over 25 million individual pages.

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Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression


The foundation of the BBC

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