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Controversy and tragedy at the Olympics: OCR

The Commonwealth Games

2014 Commonwealth Games

The 1930 British Empire Games, held in Hamilton, Canada, were the first of what later became known as the Commonwealth Games. It was a relatively small gathering, with 11 countries participating in a total of 59 events. The 400 athletes were housed in the Prince of Wales School, where the competitors slept 24 to a classroom. Reflecting the cultural beliefs of the time, events were restricted for women — they could only compete in the aquatic activities.

The British empire began in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, with British explorers establishing overseas colonies in North America and the Caribbean, and later in Africa and Asia. While the empire declined during the early part of the twentieth century, the Empire/Commonwealth Games have continued to grow as a celebration of sport.

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Controversy and tragedy at the Olympics: OCR

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