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Dos and don’ts: PHED4 Sections B and C coursework


From junk food to Jamaica: the dietary needs of an elite netballer

The importance of vision in sport

Crispin Andrews relates the importance of our visual sense as a part of information processing


Imagine playing sport, any sport, with your eyes closed. It would be almost impossible. But how many sportsmen and women don’t make the most of what their eyes tell them, or can’t use the information quickly enough to maximise their performance?

Sherlock Holmes wasn’t known for his sporting prowess, but Arthur Conan Doyle’s great fictional detective had keen eyes that relayed relevant information to an even sharper brain. Like Holmes, the best sports players see things faster and process them quicker. Whatever their sport, they use eyes, hands, brains and bodies together for optimum performance.

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Dos and don’ts: PHED4 Sections B and C coursework


From junk food to Jamaica: the dietary needs of an elite netballer

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