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Planetary energy budgets


Randomness and regularity

Archimedes’ principle

A eureka moment

Many techniques and inventions are attributed to Archimedes. This article takes a look at two of them: density measurement and a design for a pump that can be reversed and used as a turbine

Archimedes measuring the purity of the king’s crown, as visualised by an artist

Popular science history tells of an astronomer’s son who leapt from the bath and ran naked down the streets of Syracuse (in southeast Sicily) shouting ‘eureka!’ when he had what we might call a light-bulb moment.

It was Archimedes who shouted ‘I’ve got it’ that day. He was a brilliant mathematician, physicist and engineer born in what was then the Greek colony of Sicily in 287 BC. This article looks at his famous experiment and at one of his lesserknown inventions that has found a role in renewable energy productiontoday.

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Planetary energy budgets


Randomness and regularity

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