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High-energy colliders


Space telescopes


Electric fields in an unusual context

Examination questions may be set in unexpected contexts in order to test how well you can apply your understanding of physics to an unfamiliar situation

This question uses the fact that bees can sense the electric field of certain flowers, and use this to their advantage. The question is taken from the June 2019 Edexcel Advanced Physics Paper 1, which covers mechanics, electricity, electric and magnetic fields, and particle physics. The question is reproduced by kind permission of Pearson Education Ltd (Edexcel). The answers that follow are the responsibility of PHYSICS REVIEW and Edexcel accepts no responsibility whatsoever for their accuracy or method of working.

The model answer below largely follows the official mark scheme, using V for potential and ΔV for potential difference. Marking points (MP1, MP2 etc.) show where credit is awarded.

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High-energy colliders


Space telescopes

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