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Should referendums be used more widely in Britain?



The Republicans

Where do they go from here?

Republican victories in 2009 and 2010 have challenged the idea that Obama’s victory represented a new age of Democratic Party dominance. However, divisions within the Republican Party mean Republicans cannot take success in the 2010 midterms or 2012 for granted.

Taxed enough already: TEA Party activists protest in Michigan on income tax filing day, January 2010.

On 24 November 2008 Time magazine, a US political weekly, featured on its cover President-Elect Obama dressed to look like President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1933–45), with the caption ‘The New New Deal’, signalling that the era of Republican rule was officially over. In fact, just the week before, columnist Peter Beinart had written in Time:

Yet the hope and optimism Beinart suggested for the Democrats appears to have changed to frustration and political turmoil, because Democrats have since lost two governorships and one Senate seat, been involved in a protracted and contentious battle for healthcare reform, and seen little return within the first year for the $787 bn Economic Stimulus Package signed into law by President Obama.

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Should referendums be used more widely in Britain?



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