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Liberal thinkers and feminist thought

The prime minister and cabinet

Theories and myths of executive power

Sir Anthony Seldon, prime ministerial biographer and constitutional expert, analyses the power balance between prime ministers and their cabinets

Boris Johnson in the cabinet room at No 10

All A-level examination boards require analysis and evaluation of the structure, role and powers of the executive branch.. In addition, students must evaluate factors that affect the relationship between the cabinet and the prime minister, and the balance of power that exists between them

The concept of the ‘prime minister’ that politics students study at A-level and university contains a number of half-truths, verging on myths. In this 300th anniversary year of the first British prime minister, Robert Walpole in 1721, it is important to probe these. Contrary to many a popular myth, this article will contend the following:

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Liberal thinkers and feminist thought

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