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How has Facebook changed romantic relationships?

How has Facebook changed romantic relationships?

While much research on relationship formation, maintenance and dissolution came before the huge rise in popularity of social networking, the influence of sites like Facebook on relationships is a growing force. Rebecca McGuire-Snieckus and Nigel Holt investigate


Facebook has 500 million active users, half of whom log on every day, spending on average 700 billion minutes per month on the site. Has Facebook changed the terrain of romantic relationships?

How important is it to put your best face forward on Facebook? There is much evidence to suggest we have a bias for beauty. We tend to attribute all sorts of positive characteristics to those who are physically attractive — a phenomenon called the halo effect. People who are perceived as attractive also tend to be viewed as more socially skilled, more sociable and more open to sexual relationships. Physical attractiveness is thus an important mediating factor in the initial stages of forming a relationship.

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How has Facebook changed romantic relationships?

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