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A timeline of ways of studying the brain

in focus

Study skills for A-level psychology

Techniques to enhance your learning and performance

Anthony Curtis shows you how you can maximise your learning and performance in psychology

I have truly enjoyed teaching psychology for more than 30 years, both in further and higher education. I have taught lessons when lightbulb moments seem to emerge for the whole class — which is a buzz that is difficult to explain to friends outside of teaching. I have also had moments of frustration where it seems, regardless of how I try to explain a theory or model, there is a sense that there must be another (better?) way to achieve this.

I am always eager to learn new ways of teaching and learning, and students like you should never underestimate how inspiring or thought-provoking you can be when you get actively involved in lessons and ask challenging questions or surprise teachers with something that we didn’t expect.

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A timeline of ways of studying the brain

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