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Exploring the critical period hypothesis: the case of Genie


Fifty shades of grey

Case study ethics

Psychology has some great stories that are presented as case studies. They bring the subject to life. You can read about Little Albert (conditioned fear), Little Hans (Oedipus complex), David Reimer (the boy who was brought up as a girl), HM (loss of memory), Eve (multiple personality) and many more. Their stories are fascinating and we often want to know more. But did any of these people want to make their story well known, and what level of control do they have on how the story is told?

HM, for example, was unable to remember any new information following a surgical procedure. He was clearly unable to consent to the years of studies that were carried out on him. And Genie is known to psychology students the world over without ever being able to consent to the story or benefit from its retelling.

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Exploring the critical period hypothesis: the case of Genie


Fifty shades of grey

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