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In focus: Why research methods?


Does exercising your body strengthen your brain?


AQA Revision, recall and exam skills

A teacher explores a common revision pitfall and its possible consequences in the exam

© luismolinero/

One of the questions I get asked most often in the run-up to exam day is, ‘Sir, have you got any last-minute bits of advice?’ As the expectant crowd clamours, I can sense the hope in their voices, that palpable desire to discover some hidden nugget or great gem of wisdom that will somehow transform their grade in an instant. I also note how their excitement is invariably replaced by disappointment as all I can cheerily offer them is the old teacher chestnut: ‘Make sure you read the question…’.

Is this throwaway piece of advice as quite as trivial and unhelpful as it sounds?

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In focus: Why research methods?


Does exercising your body strengthen your brain?

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