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Another voice: Should we reject attachment theory?


Matt’s maths: Simple probability


How the mighty use metacognition

Harriet Ennis offers you some training in this superpower

Metacognition refers to having conscious awareness of your own cognitive processes. We don’t just think, we can think about our thinking! Metacognition is a human super-power!

You can turn metacognition into an exam-busting super-power. However, you will need some metacognitive training first. In the context of studying A-level, if you learn to consciously plan, monitor and regulate your own learning processes, you will enhance your performance. If you grow aware of your own cognitive skills and limitations, and become adept at choosing the right mental techniques to use when tackling revision or during the exams themselves, it makes all the difference. As the song goes, ‘It ain’t what you do, it’s the way that you do it — that’s what gets results!’

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Another voice: Should we reject attachment theory?


Matt’s maths: Simple probability

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