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Zakah and hajj: the Five Pillars (part 3)


Maimonides’ philosophical writings

Edexcel special

The resurrection

There are several anthology articles on the resurrection. Let’s look at the links between them and the importance of their presentation to evangelists

Edexcel: A2 Unit 4 Implications — New Testament

In the Synoptic Gospels, Jesus predicts his death and resurrection three times (Mark 8:31, 9:31, 10:34 and //s), and after the Transfiguration he warns the disciples to ‘tell no one until the Son of Man should have risen from the dead’ (Mark 9:9). None of the predictions attempts to explain how Jesus’ resurrection will be accomplished. The evangelists were not concerned with the mechanics of God’s miraculous activity, but rather with the reality of it, and the Gospel accounts of the resurrection do not attempt a description or analysis of what happened. The resurrection is not narrated, but proclaimed.

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Zakah and hajj: the Five Pillars (part 3)


Maimonides’ philosophical writings

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