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Femininity, violence and the media


Media depictions of the poor

Politics and memory

Do young people lack political involvement and motivation? And to what extent do young people’s everyday experiences and memories influence their political ideas and attitudes?

Different memories of fox hunting — part of the community and rural life or a case for animal rights protestors?
Rob Duffy/Fotolia

Children and young people are not often associated with politics or political actions, as the author of this article points out, but she goes on to describe some interesting research exploring people’s memories of ‘the political’ from their childhood. This demonstrates clearly that ‘politics’ is not simply about voting and party support.

Read the article carefully, and then with your fellow students discuss some of the important issues raised here. For example, what are your memories of the police and policing? What ‘big events’ can you remember from your childhood? Can you remember discussions on politics or political issues within your family? Did you ever take part in any campaign to bring about a change, either in your school or the wider community?

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Femininity, violence and the media


Media depictions of the poor

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