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OCR AS: Health


What is ‘hate crime’?

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Women’s unequal world

While gender inequality still exists in Western societies, in many areas of life real progress has been made. But what about the position of girls and women in developing countries?

In Africa as a whole, women’s literacy rates are 24% lower than those for men

In global terms, women still remain unequal to men. In many countries women and girls still lack access to the same levels of education, economic power and political leadership and participation that are available to males. Women make up 64% of the 774 million illiterate adults in the world. Employed women receive wages between 70% and 90% of those paid to men. Across the world only 21% of parliamentary members are women.

In developed countries, while inequalities remain, successful attempts by both men and women have reduced inequalities in many important areas of life. In the developing world, despite significant progress in a number of countries, the majority of women experience varying levels of disadvantage and discrimination that affect almost all aspects of their lives.

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OCR AS: Health


What is ‘hate crime’?

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