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Gender and school subjects

Introduction to sociology

New to sociology? We summarise some topics and skills you’ll be discovering

Let’s be clear about one thing from the start: you have chosen one of the most interesting and exciting A-level subjects possible. Many of your friends (and perhaps even you yourself) will be unclear about what sociology actually is. Fear not! You will soon be telling them all sorts of things about society that they didn’t know, and I guarantee that you will be embarking on some lively discussions, both in and out of the classroom.

However, sociology is a rigorous academic subject, and you will develop some very useful skills along the way. These include researching topics from books, articles and the internet, analysing data presented in various formats, evaluating ideas, hypotheses, theories and research methods to identify their strengths and weaknesses — and, of course, doing a lot of reading and writing essays.

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OCR AS Paper 1: option 1


Gender and school subjects

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