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The domestic division of labour


A world getting older…

data skills

Crime statistics

Fraud and data misuse

This feature gives you the opportunity to practise skills in analysing data — skills you will need to use in your sociology exams

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The Crime Survey for England and Wales in 2016 asked people to tell researchers whether they had been victims of fraud (which includes ‘bank and credit account fraud, noninvestment fraud, advance fee fraud and other fraud’) or computer misuse (which includes ‘unauthorised access to personal information, hacking and computer viruses’). It was the first time that such statistics had been collected in this survey and they are therefore regarded as ‘experimental statistics’ which are in the ‘testing phase’ to see if they can be treated as reliable and valid and if they can be further refined at all. This part of the survey used a sample of adults over 16 and, unlike some other questions in the survey, no data were collected from children.

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The domestic division of labour


A world getting older…

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