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Questionnaires and school choices: student answer


The domestic division of labour

Understanding crime

Why we need a new ultra-realist criminology

Ultra-realism is a radical new criminological school of thought with its own theoretical ideas and research agenda. So what makes it new — and why is it needed?

In this robustly argued article, Steve Hall discusses some of the main points surrounding ultra-realist criminology. He begins by offering a critique of established critical criminology. He then suggests that criminologists should take a new approach, in which they explore the reasons why some individuals and groups are prepared to cause harm to others in the pursuit of their own self-interest, and others are prepared to accept this even if they are aware of the harm being caused. Ethnographic studies, using qualitative data, are proposed as a useful way forward to study the relationship between crime and the harm that it does. This article merits careful reading and is of use to all students. It covers aspects of crime, theory and methods.

ultra-realist criminology, critical criminology, harm, zemiology, universals

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Questionnaires and school choices: student answer


The domestic division of labour

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