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Social media and identity: debating the online self


Youth gangs in context: a Glasgow case study

question and answer

Essays on sociological theories

Putting theories into context can help you to gain marks in essays. Read our student answer and commentary to see how it’s done

Functionalists argue that the education system is fair for all

Below is a longer A-level-style question, for which you would have around 45 minutes to plan and write your answer. This type of question would typically have an item (scenario), but here it is given as a straight essay question. While this is similar to AQA questions, the ability to evaluate a particular theory or perspective is an essential skill for all students.

Evaluate the view that functionalism is no longer useful for understanding the role of education in society. (30 marks)

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Social media and identity: debating the online self


Youth gangs in context: a Glasgow case study

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