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King’s Lynn: a case study of sustainable urban regeneration


Why is Windsor a tourist honeypot?

The world’s least developed countries

Economic development is an important feature of GCSE geography courses.

Figure 1 The 49 least developed countries

Some advanced countries may be seeing an end to the [credit] crisis but it’s still darkness at the end of the tunnel for the least developed countries and many of them are going backwards. We’re talking about a billion malnourished people.

This statement was made recently by the head of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Figure 1 shows the distribution of the 49 countries classified as ‘least developed’. The concentration in Africa is most pronounced. A country is classified as being ‘least developed’ if it has:

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King’s Lynn: a case study of sustainable urban regeneration


Why is Windsor a tourist honeypot?

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