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The European Union: united and divided


Mudeford Spit


Living with a volcano

The Caribbean island of Montserrat exploded into the world’s headlines in 1995. After centuries of dormancy the island’s Soufrière Hills volcano erupted with such ferocity that the southern portion of the island was eventually evacuated. The volcano is still active and is now closely monitored. The island has been divided into zones according to levels of risk

T he Montserrat Volcano Observatory monitors the continuing volcanic activity on this Caribbean island. Log on to its site at and scroll down to the small Google map at the bottom of the page. Zoom out to locate the island in the Caribbean.

Scroll back up the page and find the ‘Plymouth from the helicopter, 24 August 2012’ news line. Beneath it select <MVO YouTube channel> and play the video with this name from the video menu.

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The European Union: united and divided


Mudeford Spit

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