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Dairy farm diversification: Our Cow Molly

case study


Exploring a town of growth and decline

This article looks at the consequences of economic growth and decline in Poole and its impact on the town and its inhabitants. This is a useful GCSE case study considering the consequences of economic change for a specific UK town

Sunseeker Yachts — a sign of economic success in Poole

Poole in Dorset is a coastal town of two halves. In some areas the town is affluent and shows signs of economic growth, but in other parts there is evidence of economic decline and social deprivation.

Traditionally Poole was once a thriving port known for boat building and the export of raw materials, and to some extent this continues today. Materials such as sand and gravel are still exported to the Channel Islands, and some boats are still built in Poole.

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Combining photographs and maps


Dairy farm diversification: Our Cow Molly

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