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English legal system and criminal law


Human rights: Article 8 and Dudgeon v UK (1981)


Private nuisance

Sally Russell examines the law behind this important tort

This ‘Examination focus’ is relevant to AQA A-level Paper 2 (law of tort), OCR A-level Component 2 (law of tort) and Eduquas A-level Components 2 and 3.

The first consideration in this area is what amounts to a ‘nuisance’. My dog Zoe can be a nuisance, but may not be so in law. Private nuisance traditionally requires an unreasonable interference with a person’s use or enjoyment of land. Nuisance is a common law tort and the definition comes from cases.

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English legal system and criminal law


Human rights: Article 8 and Dudgeon v UK (1981)

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