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Is there hope for the red squirrel?


Kidneys: function, disease and treatment

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All change at A-level

The rules for A-level examinations have changed recently. So what is Bill Indge’s advice on making sure you get the best grade possible, first time around, whether you are tackling AS or A2?

Figure A

Teachers and examiners have become used to an A-level system that has offered unit tests in January and in June. If a student’s start to either AS or A2 biology was not quite all it should have been and he or she did not achieve the hoped-for results in the January unit test, there was always the option of a retake in June. If June was a disappointment, then the student could try again in January. All this, however, is to stop. From 2014 onwards there will be no more January unit tests.

Where does this leave us? In the course of my work, I visit a number of schools and colleges and this gives me an opportunity to talk to students. Many seem to believe that this change is going to make A-levels more demanding. It won’t. Let me explain why not.

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Is there hope for the red squirrel?


Kidneys: function, disease and treatment

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