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Syphilis: did Columbus bring it to Europe?


Lactose intolerance

vital statistics

Significant figures

Vital statistics — the maths skills you need to succeed. In this new regular column, Dan Foulder explains how you decide which figures are significant and which you should leave out

When doing a calculation we have all been tempted to write down all the numbers on our calculator screen, even if it gives an answer like 89698427.9874987091. This is not helpful and will not score marks in an exam. It is very important that the appropriate number of significant figures (s.f.) for a value are given. Significant figures are a complex subject with rules, exceptions and different uses. But if you follow the points below, you should be able to navigate your way successfully through any biology practical or exam question.

Spurious digits make a calculated value appear more accurate than the original data that were used to carry out the calculation. As experimental data are nearly always manipulated in some way using a calculation, it is easy for errors to creep in in this way. This can lead to a degree of apparent accuracy being introduced to an answer that is not supported by the original experimental data.

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Syphilis: did Columbus bring it to Europe?


Lactose intolerance

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