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Supply-side myths: from policy to evaluation


The business of blogging

exam guide

How I got an A*

Viola Szekely shares the techniques that helped her get an A* in business studies


Iremember reading a BUSINESS REVIEW article with a similar title to this, not long before my exams, and thinking that I would never get an A*. I did not like business studies at the beginning. It seemed common-sensical, but overcomplicated. I used to get frustrated with it and abandon it. I think my eventual achievement of an A* came from starting to enjoy the subject. Therefore I ended up on the opposite side of where I started off. I love the whole concept of business now and probably will have an interest in business and current affairs for life.

There wasn’t one day when I woke up and thought ‘suddenly I understand and love business’, so I’m not sure exactly when the turning point was. It might have been watching The Apprentice (best TV ever made), and my teacher did show a lot of interesting videos in class about business — if nothing else it gave us some relief from exams.

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Supply-side myths: from policy to evaluation


The business of blogging

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