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Ten things you need to know about strategy



case study

Sibling Distillery

Phil Waterhouse looks at a business studies student’s successful start-up in relation to the FMOP concepts

One of my proudest moments as a teacher was when our school’s Young Enterprise team won the national final and represented the UK in the European finals in Bulgaria. The team MD, Cicely Elliot Berry, wrote an article about the company that she founded and what she had learnt from the experience of creating a vitamin-infused teabag and iced tea drink (see BUSINESS REVIEW, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 2–3).

I suggested to Cicely that, given her family’s background in microbrewing, Peter Day’s World of Business podcast on the growth of the UK gin industry might be of interest. Cicely downloaded the podcast and used it to create a business plan. What happened next has made me even prouder than the Young Enterprise win, as Cicely set up the Sibling Distillery with her sister Clarice and her brothers Digby and Felix.

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Ten things you need to know about strategy



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