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Lasers, sunscreens and free radicals


Gel chemistry: from jellies to 3D printing


Revising 25 years of chemistry

The first issue of CHEMISTRY REVIEW was published in September 1991. We had hoped that the founding editor of the magazine, Dr John Garratt, would write a contribution to mark our 25th anniversary. Sadly John died in January 2015. He was a biological chemist and in tribute to him we will look at the progress that has been made in the study of DNA and proteins in the last 25 years (see pp. 16–17).

In his first editorial for CHEMISTRY REVIEW John wrote about the role of chemists and chemistry in finding solutions to global issues. The major problems he chose to highlight at the time were:

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Lasers, sunscreens and free radicals


Gel chemistry: from jellies to 3D printing

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