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A complex way to find nickel compounds



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Succeeding in chemistry without A-level maths

Didn’t choose maths at A-level because you didn’t realise you would need it? Hate maths? Answering yes to either of these questions in no way holds you back if you want to study chemistry at university

When you first tell people you wish to study chemistry, it is quite common to be greeted with the response: ‘I bet you must be really good at maths.’ While it is true you do need an aptitude for maths, this is not the be all and end all, and it should not put you off applying for a chemistry degree. Here are some useful tips for tackling a chemistry degree when you have not studied maths.

Although it seems obvious, make sure you pick a university that will allow you to study chemistry without having an A-level in maths. There is a common misconception that most universities hold maths as compulsory for chemistry. In reality, there are 15 Russell Group universities, and many others, that don’t require maths. As you can only pick five options, that is plenty.

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A complex way to find nickel compounds



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